Fezile dabi local municipality

Fezile dabi towns

The Fezile Dabi District Municipality was established following the local government elections in December The district Municipality was established as a category C municipality in .

fezile dabi local municipality

Fezile dabi district office

Fezile Dabi District Municipality consists of an Executive Mayor, Municipal Manager, Speaker of the Municipality and is structured politically into six portfolio committees and administratively .

Fezile dabi district municipality address

The Fezile Dabi District Municipality covers an area of 20, km² (7, square miles) and is the smallest District in the Free State Province, making up just 16% of its .
Fezile dabi district municipality contact details
the municipality is situated on the northern part of the Fezile Dabi District and the Vaal River forms the northern boundary of the area, which also serves as the boundary between the Free State, .